Month: August 2014

Issues in India, Politics in India

Importance of important languages

Many of the popular politicians in India consider certain widely used languages as stumbling blocks to their “Progress” and are bent upon making such languages powerless and unpopular. These politicians have their own way of getting things done according to their whims and fancies by creating an impression that they are doing so for the …

Cricket, Elections, Indian Cinema, News: My opinions, Politics in India

Arise, Awake…

Wither India? Or rather, is India suffering from an overdose of democracy? Maybe, some sadistic news channels are creating such an impression by highlighting the day-to-day demonstrations in and out of assemblies and parliaments with an eye on next elections. On top of these petty quarrels, the fate of India’s most favorite game (cricket) is …

Philosophy, Short Stories, Vancouver

A brief encounter with the past!

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. By the wink of an eye, you leave behind the huge city and find yourself in the park which looks more like a wild forest than a well-trimmed city park. It is trees, trees and trees all the way with the black squirrels running criss-cross…may be in …