The on again and off again experience had to be brought to an end, an attention had to be on the nearest and best school for children. We seemed to overcome such a situation and the kids were able to face such a situation quickly by scoring high marks in English and other subjects. So …
Category: P U Krishnan
All is well that begins well!
Yah! One of my co-workers looked hear and there and opened the topic, “so, you are one of our colleagues…” I nodded. “Well, don’t worry”, he assured. Before I could react, he continued, “what is your salary?” “Hundred plus,” I responded. “Wow! That shows that you are our section head?” “May be.” “Your position is …
Bharath Matha Ki Jai!
India is, undoubtedly, one of the developing Countries despite the fact that the nation has to over come several obstacles created not by the Country politicians, as such, whose main target is winning elections at any coast. O.K, that is quite natural. But, during the elections they go beyond certain limits and promise this and …
How to overcome dull moments?
At times, when we face dull moments, we try to overcome the boredom by going through your own diaries or some books which will give you some relief. But, the other day, we had a pleasant surprise. The ones whose visit to our house was almost certain, they were knocking at our doors. The dull …
An evening walk indeed!
A lazy mind may have hundred excuses to make it appear that an evening walk is worthless but an “adamant self†defies the order and pushes you out with a smile. The beginning of my evening walk on that day looked neither clumsy nor dynamic! So, off I went, enjoying the race between the farmers …
Quotable quotes
At times, when my mind resists my temptation to write something interesting, I go through those quotable quotes in my Diaries. So, here are a few such items. (1) “Children behold the chimpanzee He sits on the ancestral tree from which we sprang in ages gone. I am glad we sprang; had we held on …
Heaps of children’s books!
The standard of education at higher levels may vary, depending upon preferences of universities and colleges. As far as Indian universities or the preferences of senior students are concerned, job-oriented course have an upper hand (Doctors, Engineers or Business). It may be a cakewalk for the smart ones! But, when it comes to LKG or …
Early morning or late evening?
It was bright and sunny. But it was difficult to predict whether it was morning or evening… yesterday or today! Even the birds could not make their presence felt. There were some people on the road but it was difficult to say whether they were on evening walk or morning walk. Anyway, I had just …
Just a few bucks… but!
“Paper, paper…â€, it is a familiar sound which one hears once in a week. Now-a-days, we hear it only once in a month. He was the one who used to cover our area to collect old Newspapers once in a week or a month. Now-a-days, he appears only once in two months. There were piles …
Quotable Quotes
Sometimes when I feel bored, I take shelter in my “libraryâ€, not necessarily to read a book but just to turn the pages of my old Dairies in which I would have written some quotable quotes. Here is one of them under the title, “The chimpanzee, “Children behold the chimpanzee He sits on the ancestral …