Category: Politics in India

Issues in India, P U Krishnan, Politics in India

Bharath Matha Ki Jai!

India is, undoubtedly, one of the developing Countries despite the fact that the nation has to over come several obstacles created not by the Country politicians, as such, whose main target is winning elections at any coast. O.K, that is quite natural. But, during the elections they go beyond certain limits and promise this and …

Elections, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Ooty, P U Krishnan, Politics in India

How to overcome dull moments?

At times, when we face dull moments, we try to overcome the boredom by going through your own diaries or some books which will give you some relief. But, the other day, we had a pleasant surprise. The ones whose visit to our house was almost certain, they were knocking at our doors. The dull …

Elections, General elections, Issues in India, Politics in India

Old order changeth, yielding place to new

To be or not to be that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of two major parties or two take arms against the smaller ones who are changing sides at will. No, the politicians in India have developed a new style, which allows them to …

Elections, Humor, People, Politics in India

Sarcastic spectators vs. political players

The net practices for different players is almost over and the spectators get an idea about the worth of each player by watching each of them patiently or by making sarcastic comments now and then. Most of the candidates had a couple of promises and assurances about their future plans when they might come to …

Crazy people, Elections, General elections, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Politics in India

When elections come.

Old order changeth, yielding place to new. God fulfills Himself in many ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the world. All is well, that ends well. Yes, we are very close to the destination and the only question is, who at last is at the top when changing their positions! In short, the whole …

Cricket, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, International issues, Issues in India, News: My opinions, People, Philosophy, Politics in India, Religion, World Affairs

Off the back foot, inches off the ground.

Though there is a general impression that Pakistan and India are not in good terms, as could be seen from certain recent developments, the fact is that such things are like family quarrels which would last for a few days and settle down before long. Both the countries are eager to watch cricket matches between …

Crazy people, International issues, Issues in India, Mood, Music, News: My opinions, Politics in India, Religion, Science and Technology, Sports, World Affairs

The world is too much with us… getting and spending we lay waste our time

These lines may appear to be very close to modern times, but in between, the world has changed beyond recognition as a result of man’s curiosity about this world. Of course, there are those who are more interested in ownership of this part or that part of the world and seek the help of war …

Elections, Humor, In real life, People, Politics in India

Old order changeth, yielding place to new.

India is getting ready for the loksabha elections and the leading parties are busy and may be a bit nervous too in view of the uncertainty about the chances of victory or the possibility of the strength of the parties with whom the leading parties have a tie up. One of the strange things is …