Category: Issues in India

Art, Artists, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, Kids

Happy Vidhayrambam

India is one of the countries where education gets wide publicity through several religious festivals dominated by art and music. Though people, by and large, are more interested in the cultural aspects of these festivals, the children look forward to the gifts that are piled up in every room. Whatever it be, such festivals become …

Humor, In real life, Issues in India, Ooty, P U Krishnan, People

All is well that begins well!

Yah! One of my co-workers looked hear and there and opened the topic, “so, you are one of our colleagues…” I nodded. “Well, don’t worry”, he assured. Before I could react, he continued, “what is your salary?” “Hundred plus,” I responded. “Wow! That shows that you are our section head?” “May be.” “Your position is …

Issues in India, Mood, Ooty, People

Phone call during a lockdown

At a time when the nation was undergoing several problems resulting from certain unavoidable circumstances, I found myself in a position worth accepting or rather looking the other way… Ya, the person who used to be one of my best friends contacted me over the phone and kept on talking about the good old days …

Humor, Indian Cinema, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Ooty, People

Good old days!

Before the ‘Newspaper Boy’ drops the day’s News paper at your doors, you would have had some major information of the previous day through TV or Radio. Of course, there are some columns in the newspapers which are beyond the reach till the newspapers arrive! Anyway, the newspapers have some limits because most of the …

Issues in India, P U Krishnan, Politics in India

Bharath Matha Ki Jai!

India is, undoubtedly, one of the developing Countries despite the fact that the nation has to over come several obstacles created not by the Country politicians, as such, whose main target is winning elections at any coast. O.K, that is quite natural. But, during the elections they go beyond certain limits and promise this and …

Elections, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Ooty, P U Krishnan, Politics in India

How to overcome dull moments?

At times, when we face dull moments, we try to overcome the boredom by going through your own diaries or some books which will give you some relief. But, the other day, we had a pleasant surprise. The ones whose visit to our house was almost certain, they were knocking at our doors. The dull …

Elections, General elections, Issues in India, Politics in India

Old order changeth, yielding place to new

To be or not to be that is the question. Whether it is nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of two major parties or two take arms against the smaller ones who are changing sides at will. No, the politicians in India have developed a new style, which allows them to …

Crazy people, Elections, General elections, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Politics in India

When elections come.

Old order changeth, yielding place to new. God fulfills Himself in many ways, lest one good custom should corrupt the world. All is well, that ends well. Yes, we are very close to the destination and the only question is, who at last is at the top when changing their positions! In short, the whole …