Month: April 2010

Crazy people, Humor, Issues in India, Politics in India

India’s Predicament

In a vast country like India, it is difficult to get things done as planned, mainly because the approach of the people differ from state to state. For example, certain states faced food-shortage for a brief period last year. While state ‘X’ contacted surplus states and made quick arrangements to lift the available surplus to …

Issues in India, Ooty, Short Stories

Small Mercies… Big Effect

When the Coimbatore-bound bus, coming from the main bust stand, arrived at the first Bust stop, there was heavy rush to board that bus. Since there was no queue, it was a free-for-all affair, while the ‘smart’ ones pulled and pushed their way into the bus, the polite and the orderly ones waited out side …

Ooty, Short Stories

“Old Order Changeth…”

A mummy-gimmee-a-choc girl was standing in a corner of the road. She was not plump or chubby but a lanky dame with an expressionless face. She seemed to be restless at times and that was evident from her body language. She kept on biting her nails and spitting them in the air. When you come …

Issues in India, News: My opinions, Politics in India

Will Protests Solve the Problems?

Every country in the world is facing some problem or the other. Some are minor and some are major, but what makes these problems difficult to overcome is the attitude of some people or some political parties who take advantage of the problems. As far as India is concerned, what looms large now is the …

Aliens, Ooty, Poems

A Bilateral Issue

“You disobedient little ones, We elders speak our bitter experience They are powerful, they are cruel Don’t cross the barriers, Don’t cross the barriers We din into your ears time and again” “No. You didn’t say so. Instead, you repeated Parrot-like… ‘Once bitten twice shy; once…” The little ones said. “There was a race between …