Category: Vancouver

Ooty, Short Stories, Vancouver, Weather

Somewhat bright, but so cold!

“Sunset and evening sky… keep the doors wide open.” “Yeah! My lord.” Sun is bidding good night, but it is not dark as yet. Sun looks bigger than ever against the background of almost six to seven colors! There is absolute silence or occasional wow! But right now, it is still evening… still bright. But …

Facts and Fiction, Mood, seasons, Vancouver, Weather

Thanks for being so charming

“The world is too much with us, getting and spending, we lay waste our time.” Why on earth these words penetrated my mind when I was getting ready to enjoy one of those rare scenes when the sky was absolutely free from smoky clouds. Anyway, let me not waste my time on occasions when our …

Domestic, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, International, Mood, Travel, Vancouver, Weather

The runway was the sea itself!

To be, or not to be, that was the question. Whether it was nobler in the mind to OK the decision to visit one of those attractive islands in Canada or to postpone the same till the weather says, “OK, OK…, I’ll take care of it!” And, much to our pleasure, the Sun raised the …

Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Mood, People, seasons, Vancouver, Weather

Dancing to the tune of nature

A couple of months ago, it used to be bright and sunny. The sun took its own time to say, “Bye, bye guys,” rather reluctantly, but you had to wait till 9:30pm to see the glorious sunset! Anyway, slowly but steadily, the weather was neither too hot nor too cold and one was tempted to …

Education, Grand Parents, Kids, Vancouver

University Highlands Elementary

Overnight, my impression about a local elementary school underwent a sea change. Of course the building and the surroundings of the school are impressive but one soon realized that the quality of the school went beyond ABCD or the usual studies. Just one function after lunch on a particular day was so thrilling that the …