Category: Facts and Fiction

Cricket, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, International issues, Issues in India, News: My opinions, People, Philosophy, Politics in India, Religion, World Affairs

Off the back foot, inches off the ground.

Though there is a general impression that Pakistan and India are not in good terms, as could be seen from certain recent developments, the fact is that such things are like family quarrels which would last for a few days and settle down before long. Both the countries are eager to watch cricket matches between …

Facts and Fiction, Mood, seasons, Vancouver, Weather

Thanks for being so charming

“The world is too much with us, getting and spending, we lay waste our time.” Why on earth these words penetrated my mind when I was getting ready to enjoy one of those rare scenes when the sky was absolutely free from smoky clouds. Anyway, let me not waste my time on occasions when our …

Domestic, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, International, Mood, Travel, Vancouver, Weather

The runway was the sea itself!

To be, or not to be, that was the question. Whether it was nobler in the mind to OK the decision to visit one of those attractive islands in Canada or to postpone the same till the weather says, “OK, OK…, I’ll take care of it!” And, much to our pleasure, the Sun raised the …

Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, Issues in India, Television, Youth

Serials all the way

Watching a couple of programs, mostly T.V. serials has become an unavoidable habit. At times, I used to wonder why I should waste my time on these serials but when I think about these serials or certain interesting programs what comes to my mind is the fact that these programs in hundreds of channels are …

Bollywood, Crazy people, Elections, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Politics in India

Beware of super stars!

Politics seems to have become one of the most sought after professions in India, especially at state-level it has undergone a sea change in most states, resulting in the birth of several new parties so as to accommodate new hands crossing over to any party. Policies of the good old Parties face several problems because …