Month: June 2017

Indian Cinema, Politics in India, Strikes and Protests

Less demands, more comforts!

While many of the national parties in India are at the mercy of regional parties, the ruling parties at the center are taking advantage of the rift in regional politics to withstand several demands put forward by farmers or employees. At times, the demands are such that if accepted, it would land the government in …

Caste System, Humor, Television

Hats off to TV!

You have immense source of belief from boredom and you don’t have to wait till your favorite items are active! Even voracious readers have limits and naturally, they look forward to programs dominated by the so-called intellectuals! As far as TV programs are concerned, serials running into thousands of episodes capture the attention of old …

Humor, In real life, seasons, Vancouver, Weather

Have some patience, man!

After a prolonged, “Hide and Seek”, right from early morning, the Sun seemed to lift the curtain for a while, much to the pleasure of some of us, who have been waiting for a breakthrough. Till then, nothing was visible in certain areas. :Have some patience an”, I said to myself but the long-awaited brightness …

Humor, In real life, International, Mood, P U Krishnan, Short Stories, Travel, Vancouver, Weather

Early morning or late evening?

It was bright and sunny. But it was difficult to predict whether it was morning or evening… yesterday or today! Even the birds could not make their presence felt. There were some people on the road but it was difficult to say whether they were on evening walk or morning walk. Anyway, I had just …