Month: February 2017

Humor, In real life, People, Philosophy, Science and Technology

“Old order changeth…”

The whole world has undergone a sea change and the credit goes to science and technology or rather, man’s curiosity such as “why the apple fell on the earth, instead of going high and high?”. Whatever it may be, history too plays an important role by going back and back to know how and when …

Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, Politics in India, Strikes and Protests

A TIRESOME Job, Indeed!

It has become quite normal these days for politician, Trade Unions and All and Sundry to resort to demonstrations in Protest against some politics of the ruling party or, for some benefits denied by the government in power. Invariably, it could be in the form of ‘Protest marches’ which could slow down day-to-day activities and …

Humor, In real life, Poems

Oh, you happy-go-lucky beings!

No runways for them. They just look around and take off, and in a jiffy, they reach their destinations. It could be on a tree or on the top of a building. Their job is done as soon as they contact their fellow-beings over “cellphone” hidden somewhere in their beaks. You too can guess what …

Humor, In real life, Ooty, P U Krishnan, Writers

Quotable Quotes

Sometimes when I feel bored, I take shelter in my “library”, not necessarily to read a book but just to turn the pages of my old Dairies in which I would have written some quotable quotes. Here is one of them under the title, “The chimpanzee, “Children behold the chimpanzee He sits on the ancestral …

Humor, In real life, Mood, Ooty, Short Stories, Weather

If winter comes…

After my post lunch cat nap, I looked around and said, “It is bright and Sunny’. Soon I was forced to ask myself, “Are’nt you shivering Head to foot?”. I was not prepared for an answer to this lethargic question but I gave a silent reply by going to the kitchen to prepare the mood-changing …