Category: Bollywood

Bollywood, Crazy people, Elections, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, Issues in India, News: My opinions, Politics in India

Beware of super stars!

Politics seems to have become one of the most sought after professions in India, especially at state-level it has undergone a sea change in most states, resulting in the birth of several new parties so as to accommodate new hands crossing over to any party. Policies of the good old Parties face several problems because …

Bollywood, Facts and Fiction, Humor, Indian Cinema, P U Krishnan, Short Stories

A friend in need is a friend indeed

“Traitor, Traitor…” Venu kept on shouting those words when he woke up at mid night after a horrible dream. “Ten years have passed, ten summers with the length of ten long winters… again my stupid mind refuses to admit my own selfishness and utter a word in praise of Revi, my best friend and classmate.” …

Bollywood, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, Ooty, P U Krishnan, People

All in Moviestyle!

“You are all smiles.  What’s cooking?”,  The inquisitive old woman asked the teen age girl, next door.  “Nothing grandma”, the girl replied,  thinking that the old woman would leave it at that, but the old lady provoked her by saying,  “was it for nothing that chap brought all those fruits and flowers… that too on …

Bollywood, Facts and Fiction, Humor, Indian Cinema, P U Krishnan

Old order changeth, yielding place to new!

An Africa chimpanzee had escaped from a zoo in America. The security personnel were alerted and the officers were contacting one another to ascertain the whereabouts of the dangerous guy. At last, one of them spotted him, “I have spotted him. He looks dangerous…and smart too…dressed like humans!” Soon this message was passed on to …

Bollywood, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, P U Krishnan, Television

Avoidable Squabbles

“Enough is enough”, Suchithra said to herself, succumbing to her own weakness. She put her resignation letter on MD’s table when the lady was in the conference hall. Suchithra was the private secretary of the MD, Ms. Deepa. Both were smart and knew each other well, but they were still a bit suspicious of each …

Bollywood, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, Issues in India, Ooty, P U Krishnan

Our glamour boys, now in the waiting list!

Till the other day there were just five or six of them. All, good looking, and city based with thousands of fans who won’t leave any stones unturned to make their heroes invincible even if they fail to live upto expectations, at times. Appearing mostly in action packed movies, these heroes seem to possess supernatural …