Category: Domestic

Domestic, Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, International, Mood, Travel, Vancouver, Weather

The runway was the sea itself!

To be, or not to be, that was the question. Whether it was nobler in the mind to OK the decision to visit one of those attractive islands in Canada or to postpone the same till the weather says, “OK, OK…, I’ll take care of it!” And, much to our pleasure, the Sun raised the …

Domestic, Humor, In real life, International, Religion, seasons, Travel

An Empire indeed!

Though the twelve months or rather, a year commencing from January to December is common to all, we can not ignore the years which are based on certain languages or regions. Of course, the Jan – Dec period has established itself as an empire and the people all over the world are dependent on it …

Domestic, International, Religion, seasons, Travel, Vancouver, Weather

A thing of beauty is a joy forever

When the weather is unfavorable, one is reluctant to go out for walk. Even a short distance appears to be a Herculean task! But, the other day we managed to overcome the reluctance mainly because it was a trip to a temple and the short distance was not by walking but in a taxi cab! …

Domestic, Ooty, Travel

Thus far and no further, please!

When trees and plants disappear and new buildings appear in large numbers, we call it urbanization and asset than it is a welcome change or rather a sure indication that the poor are becoming richer and educated. But, as far as the disappearance of trees and plants are concerned, it is time to say “thus …

Domestic, Facts and Fiction, International, Travel, Vancouver

Peaceful Co-existence

‘Old order changeth, yielding place to new…” The poet who wrote these lines would have taken into account the rapid changes that were taking place ever since stone age and the human capacity to bring about such changes but it is doubtful whether he would have foreseen the rapid unbelievable changes during the past 10 …