Category: In real life

Facts and Fiction, Humor, In real life, Mood, People, seasons, Vancouver, Weather

Dancing to the tune of nature

A couple of months ago, it used to be bright and sunny. The sun took its own time to say, “Bye, bye guys,” rather reluctantly, but you had to wait till 9:30pm to see the glorious sunset! Anyway, slowly but steadily, the weather was neither too hot nor too cold and one was tempted to …

Humor, In real life, Issues in India, Politics in India

Don’t try to enter through the back door!

In a democratic country, most of the precious hours are wasted on all sorts of protests which may, invariably, lead to closure of shops, big and small, and the unavoidable police intervention and its after effects. The opposition parties would make it appear that the government is responsible for heavy rains or prolonged summer which …

Elections, Humor, In real life, Issues in India, Politics in India

Busiest people!

It seems politicians are the busiest people in certain countries and there is no dearth of issues that can keep them active and noisy. Ruling parties can set in motion several “welfare” measures that will have to undergo objections or unsatisfactory response from opposition parties. One of the issues that could trigger protests from opposition …

Humor, In real life, seasons, Vancouver, Weather

Have some patience, man!

After a prolonged, “Hide and Seek”, right from early morning, the Sun seemed to lift the curtain for a while, much to the pleasure of some of us, who have been waiting for a breakthrough. Till then, nothing was visible in certain areas. :Have some patience an”, I said to myself but the long-awaited brightness …

Humor, In real life, International, Mood, P U Krishnan, Short Stories, Travel, Vancouver, Weather

Early morning or late evening?

It was bright and sunny. But it was difficult to predict whether it was morning or evening… yesterday or today! Even the birds could not make their presence felt. There were some people on the road but it was difficult to say whether they were on evening walk or morning walk. Anyway, I had just …

Corporations, Humor, In real life, Indian Cinema, Issues in India, Uncategorized

Job opportunities

Gone are the days when job seekers had limited options, mostly based on their qualifications. Most of them opted for government jobs in view of job security. Those aiming at jobs in private companies were assured of better salaries but they had to work beyond the office hours. Anyway, money weighed more than ‘leisure’! But, …

Humor, In real life, Strikes and Protests

“Sundays” are here again!

Right from our childhood days, Sundays are seen as happy-go-lucky days for the kids and the middle aged, it used to be a great relief from “Home works” and other day to day ‘strains’ resulting from several expectations. By the way, for the middle-aged, the expectations from their kith and kin to enjoy the holidays …