General elections: India 2009

Beware of unsocial elements

In 10 days from now the suspense will be over in India but not so, if it is going to be a hung parliament. Right now all of them are optimistic about the victory of their alliances which include the congress-led UPA, the BJP led NDA and third front led by none or all (it seems there is a fourth front too). One hopes there won’t be any uncertainty after the verdict.

Anyhow, whoever manages to scrape through, their top priority should be efficient handling of the law and order situation, which is hopelessly bad now. In a democracy, it is not unusual for the people to protest against certain policies but what is happening in the name of protest is violence, destruction of public property and at times even the police and army personnel are not spared. Then comes the most dreaded violence, which is euphemistically called ragging in the educational institutions.

The success of the next government will depend on its ability to contain these unsocial elements and it needs courage and a down to earth policy and cooperation of all political parties. In short, India needs an efficient home minister who means business.

Author: P U Krishnan

First things first. I am one of those retired chaps who are young at heart. I watch cricket matches and jump for joy when Tendulkar scores yet another century. I read newspapers and books too, though I am not crazy about them. I think I have a mind free from hatred and I owe it to the wonders of nature and music. I scribble something now and then and call myself a writer! Though I have settled in Ooty, a lovely hill station in Tamil Nadu—I must emphasize the fact that I was born and brought up in Tellicherry in North Kerala and studied in the good old Government Brennen College. Of and on, my mind goes back to my ancestral house at Tiruvangad in Tellicherry in front of an ancient Sri Ram temple. I am indebted to this wonderful place which inculcated in me a love for cricket and literature. But all said and done, I am an Indian first.

1 Comment

  1. Do you mean, “Indians needs a good Mummy”, one who would reward the good kid and punish the prankster 😉

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